
Bioplasm NLS Bioresonance Machine And Microelements

Using Bioplasm NLS Bioresonance Machine may find out that microscopic amount of some chemical elements, such as gold for example, is also important for preserving of good health condition. Many others microelements participate in functioning of vibratory and bio-electronic systems of human organism and his CNS.

Biophilia Tracker And Entropic Logic Theory

The Biophilia Tracker preset bioelectric activity of neurocytes of brain, amplify selectively the signals usually hardly noticeable against statistical fluctuations, and finally to retrieve and decode the information containing in them. Equipment in a certain manner ?takes the bearings? of such emissions by place of their origin in order to decode and record the on a computer screen where the virtual model of an organ is created in certain colors.

Biophilia NLS Intruder And NLS-diagnostics

Today, as we can see, non-linear diagnostics is one of the most prospective and fast-moving branch of medical science and practice, having all necessary institutional attributes, the main of which is formally established and active professional society of non-linear diagnostics experts – the International Academy of non-linear diagnostic systems (IANDS).

Application Of Metatron Hunter 4025 In Gall Tumors

Application of metatron hunter 4025 helps to evaluate morphological character of tumorous affection of tissues and organs, which influences choosing of further treatment.

2D NLS-graphy And 3D NLS-graphy For Urinary Bladder Tumors

At the present time we are able to use extensively NLS-research of urinary bladder tumors with 3D reconstruction. The method allows visually presentation of the tumor and its correlation with surrounding tissues when making decision on choosing of surgical procedures type, and it allows storing the information in digital format.  Information storing provides the possibility for attending doctors to subsequently review the whole 3D information block which gives more objectiveness to 3D NLS-research.

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