Biophilia NLS Intruder And NLS-diagnostics
NLS-diagnostics, based on a new physics of quantum-entropic interaction allows to acquire maximum information about severity, maturity and intensity of functional changes in human organism during medical check-up. In majority of cases application of this technology has a principle meaning for diagnosing and therefore for choosing of proper treatment course. Thereby developing of this method became an important milestone in diagnostic medicine.
The first decade of the 21st century is marked by considerable extension of NLS-technology’s diagnostic possibilities, first of all by means of new technologies introduction and using of high-performance computers. Such concepts as 3D NLS-graphy, NLS-ultramicroscopy, spectral-entropic analysis (SEA), have become customary in many clinics. Along with development of affordable portable digital NLS-systems, scope of their application in the world has been extended also. Cost of NLS-diagnostic equipment (Biophilia NLS Intruder) is really low in comparison with other methods of medical imaging, such as ultrasound, CT and MRI. It promotes wide spreading of the technology in countries of low income level. Among other methods of medical imaging the NLS gives a picture closest to the pathologicoanatomic one. This fact, as well as safety, promotes quick development of NLS-diagnostics.
More and more clinical therapists realize necessity to master NLS-diagnostic equipment. That is why a need in properly educated experts in this field is obvious.
Today, as we can see, non-linear diagnostics is one of the most prospective and fast-moving branch of medical science and practice, having all necessary institutional attributes, the main of which is formally established and active professional society of non-linear diagnostics experts – the International Academy of non-linear diagnostic systems (IANDS).